
Amazons6You receive an additional 4 race tokens that can only be used for conquest, not for defense [you get 6 + 4 + # for special power tokens]. During troop redeployment, you must remove 4 tokens from the map. Active onlyOriginal Game
Barbarians9Your Barbarians cannot redeploy their troops at the end of each turn. If your Final Conquest attempt fails, keep the unused Barbarians off the board until the start of your next turn. (Note: Barbarians can be redeployed after being conquered.) Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Cultists5Place the Great Ancient in the first Region your Cultists conquer. This region is immune. Conquer any region adjacent to the Great Ancient (this includes any region that may be adjacent as a result of any Racial, Special Power, Popular Place or Righteous Relic you may control) at 1 less Cultist token than usual. A minimum of 1 Cultist token is still required. At the start of each of your following turns, you may move your Great Ancient to the Region of your choice that your Cultists already occupy. Active onlySmall World Underground
Drow4The Drow like to live as recluses: At turn's end, collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each region they occupy that is not sharing any border with any region containing another race (including any other, non-Drow, race you may have; all of your opponents's race, even those In Decline; and Monsters). Active onlySmall World Underground
Dwarves3Each Mine Region your Dwarves occupy is worth 1 bonus Victory coin, at the end of your turn. This power is kept even when the Dwarves are In Decline. Even in DeclineOriginal Game
Elves6When the enemy conquers one of your regions, keep all your Elf tokens in hand for redeployment at the end of the current player's turn, rather than discarding 1 Elf token back into the storage tray. Active onlyOriginal Game
Escargots12You receive the Victory coins for the Regions you occupy with your Escargots at the beginning of your turn, not at the end (which means nothing for your first turn with them). Victory coins earned through the use of your Special Power are not impacted by this rule and are still earned at the end of your turn. Active only; on turn you go In Decline, score at start and end of turn.Sky Islands
Ghouls5Your Ghoul tokens ALL stay on the map when going into Decline, instead of the usual 1 token per Region. In addition, unlike other Races, once In Decline, your Ghouls can continue to conquer new Regions in the following turns, playing exactly as if they were still Active tokens. However, these conquests must be done at the start of your turn, before any conquest by your Active race. You may even attack your own currently Active race with your In Decline Ghouls, if you wish. Effective in DeclineOriginal Game
Fauns5During Troop Redeployment, collect 1 new Race token for each active region you conquered this turn. Your victims also receive 1 new Race token for each of their regions you conquered. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Giants6Your Giants may conquer any Region adjacent to a Mountain Region they occupy at a cost of 1 less Giant token than normal. A minimum of 1 Giant token is still required. Active onlyOriginal Game
Gnomes6During their turns, other players cannot use their racial & special powers or effect of the Paces or Relics they control, to conquer regions occupied by your Gnomes. This includes indirect effects: A player whose troops are not in a region next to your Gnomes could not attack them, even if he controlled the Great Brass Pipe. And the Balrog can't conquer a region occupied by Gnomes either. The Gnomes immunity to all these effects is only valid during other players' turns however. During their own turn, they can still use relics, places, etc, as usual. Active onlySmall World Underground
Goblins6You may conquer any In Decline Region at a cost of 1 less Goblin token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Halflings6Your Halfling tokens may enter the map through ANY Region of the map, not just border ones. (Your 2nd conquest must be adjacent to your first.) Place a Hole-in-the-Ground in each of the first 2 Regions you conquer, to make them immune to enemy conquests as well as racial and special powers. You remove your Holes-in-the-Ground when your Halflings go into Decline, or if you choose to abandon a Region containing a Hole-in-the-Ground. Active onlyOriginal Game
Humans5Each Farmland Region your Humans occupy is worth 1 bonus Victory coin, at the end of your turn. Active onlyOriginal Game
Ice Witches5Ice Witches collect 1 Winter marker for each Magic Source the control at the end of their Redeployment phase. At the end of their Redeployment phase, Ice Witches may place their Winter markers in their own Regions or any adjacent Region (there cannot be more than 1 Winter marker per Region). A Winter marker permanently augments the Region's defense by 1. It remains on the board as long as the Ice Witches are active. Regions with a Winter marker that are not controlled by an Ice Witch earn 1 less Victory coin than usual. [Max 6 Winter markers] Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Iron Dwarves7During the Troop redeployment phase of each turn, take 1 additional Silver Hammer token from the tray for each Mine region you occupy and place it in front of you. From now on, and until the Dwarves go In Decline, you may use these Silver Hammers for conquests only, but not for defense, during the Conquest phase of your subsequent turns. At the end of the Troop Redeployments of each of your turns, remove all the Silver Hammers from the map, making sure to leave at least one Iron Dwarf token in each region. Take your Silver Hammers back in hand and place them off the board in front of you, where they will wait until the start of your next Conquest phase. Active onlySmall World Underground
Khans5While they are active, Khans earn an extra Victory coin per Hill or Farmland Region they occupy. However, any other Region is worth 1 less Victory coin. A region can never be worth less than zero Victory coins. Active onlySky Islands
Kobolds11You may never occupy(nor conquer) a Region with less than 2 Kobold tokens. When going In Decline however, keep a single token in each region, as normal. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Leprechaun6During Redeployment, place 1 Pot of Gold in any (or all, if you wish) of the regions your Leprechauns occupy. Each Pot of Gold still present at the start of your next turn goes into your Victory stash and is worth 1 coin. If an opponent conquers one of these regions before your next turn, he gets the Pot of Gold instead. [There are 16 Pot of Gold tokens.] Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Liches5Collect 1 bonus Victory coin from any opponent each time they successfully conquer one of your In Decline Liches regions. An opponent with no coins remaining cannot conquer a region occupied by your Liches. In Decline onlySmall World Underground
Mudmen5During the Troop Redeployment phase of your turn, take 1 new Mudman token from the tray for each Mudpool region you occupy and deploy them in any region(s) your Mudmen occupy. Active onlySmall World Underground
Mummies10Mummies are everywhere but they tend to trip over themselves, what with all those bandage! All you conquests require 1 more Mummy token than usual (even when attacking Gnomes). Active onlySmall World Underground
Nomads6Place 1 bonus Victory coin (taken from the stash) in each Region you abandon. You cannot conquer these Regions again this turn, but you receive the coins they hold as a bonus at turn's end. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Orcs5Each non-empty Region your Orcs conquered this turn is worth 1 bonus Victory coin, at the end of your turn. Active onlyOriginal Game
Ogres5Your Ogres may conquer any region with 1 less token than usual. A minimum of 1 Ogre token is still required. Active onlySmall World Underground
Pixies11During your Troop Redeployment, leave only a single Pixie token in each region they occupy. All your other Pixies must be kept off the board until the start of your next turn. Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Priestesses4When they go In Decline, take 1 Priestess token from each occupied region and stack them to form a single "Ivory Tower" pile in one of the Regions they occupy, abandoning all others. Each turn score 1 bonus Victory coin for each Priestess token in the Ivory Tower in lieu of your usual In Decline scoring. But beware: Your Ivory Tower may still be conquered like any other Region (with enough Race tokens or a Dragon)! If your Priestesses were Fortified, their Ivory Tower can be built atop a single Fortress. Effective In DeclinePower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Ratmen8No Race benefit; their sheer number of tokens is enough. Active onlyOriginal Game
Scarecrows12Each time a player conquers a Region occupied by active Scarecrows, the attacking player earns an extra Victory coin from the bank. Scarecrows are the quintessential victims. Active onlySky Islands
Shrooms5Each Mushroom Forest region your Shrooms occupy is work 1 bonus Victory coin, at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Shrubmen6All Forest regions occupied by Shrubmen become immune to opponents' conquests, racial and special powers, even when In Decline. Effect In DeclinePower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Skeletons6During your Troop Redeployment, take 1 new Skeleton token from the storage tray for every 2 non-empty Regions you conquered this turn, and add it to the troops you redeploy at the end of your turn. If there are no more tokens in the storage tray, you do not receive any additional tokens. [There are 20 total Skeleton tokens.] Active onlyOriginal Game
Slingmen5Slingmen may conquer a Region that is one Region away from one they currently occupy, provided they do not control a Region adjacent to it. When a Region is conquered this way, they immediately take 1 Victory coin from the stash. They may conquer Regions beyond the Lake, but not over the Seas. Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Sorcerers5Once per turn, per opponent, your Sorcerers can conquer a Region by substituting one of your opponent's ACTIVE tokens with a Sorcerer token taken from the storage tray. If there are no more tokens in the storage tray, then you cannot conquer a new Region in this way. The token your Sorcerer replaces must be the only race token in its Region (A single Troll token with its Troll's Lair is considered alone for this purpose; likewise for a Race token in a Fortress or on a Mountain, these markers provide no protection to a lone Race token) and that Region must be adjacent to one of your Sorcerers'. Place the substituted opponent's Race token back into the storage tray. If an Elf is converted by a Sorcerer, the Elf does lose his token. [There are 18 total Sorcerer tokens.] Active onlyOriginal Game
Storm Giants6Storm Giants' first conquest can be in the Sky Islands. At the beginning of each turn you receive 2 Lightning Bolt tokens. Each of those tokens allow the conquest of any Mountain Region by using a single Race token, regardless of the number of enemy tokens defending it. Active onlySky Islands
Tritons6Your Tritons may conquer all coastal Regions (those bordering a Sea or Lake) at a cost of 1 less Triton token than normal. A minimum of 1 Triton token is still required. Active onlyOriginal Game
Trolls5Place a Troll's Lair in each Region your Trolls occupy. The Troll's Lair augments your region's defense by 1 (just as if you had an additional Troll token stationed there), and stays in the Region even after your Trolls go Into Decline. Remove the Troll's Lair if you abandon the Region or when an enemy conquers it. Lairs stay in declineOriginal Game
Wendigos6Once per turn, Wendigos can choose a Forest Region anywhere on the board. This region is cleared of any Race tokens and the Wendigos gain an extra token from the storage tray if available. The player who occupies this Forest Region takes his Race token(s) back in hand, discards one of them as normal, and redeploys the rest at the end of the Wendigos' turn. Elves are not immune to Wendigos' power. (Meaning 1 Elf must go to the tray?) [Max 17 Wendigo tokens] Active onlySky Islands
White Ladies2Once In Decline, your White Ladies become immune to your opponent's conquests and racial and special powers! Effect In DeclinePower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Witch Doctors6Each time you lose a Witch Doctor token, roll a reinforcement die and receive as many new Witch Doctors from the storage tray as you rolled pips on the die (up to the number of Witch Doctors left). Deploy them on the board at the end of the current player's turn. [11 Witch Doctors tokens] Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Wizards5Each Magic Region your Wizards occupy is worth 1 bonus Victory coin, at the end of your turn. Active onlyOriginal Game
Will-o'-Wisps6You may use the Reinforcement die before any conquest of a Mystic Crystal region or any region adjacent to a Mystic Crystal region your Will-o'-Wisps occupy. Designate the region you wish to conquer before you roll the die. Regardless of your die result, if you have enough Will-o'-Wisp tokens left to conquer this region, you must conquer it once your roll was made. Active onlySmall World Underground

Special Powers

Airborne3During the turn when the Airborne power is selected, conquests follow normal requirements but they cost 2 less Race tokens than normal. A minimum of 1 Race token is still required. Active onlySky Islands
Alchemist4Collect 2 bonus Victory coins at the end of each turn your race hasn't yet gone into Decline. Active onlyOriginal Game
Aquatic3Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Coastal Region you occupy. Each non-Coastal Region brings 1 less Victory coin than usual. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Barricade4Collect 3 bonus coins each time your Barricade troops occupy 4 Regions or less at the end of your turn. Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Berserk4You may use the Reinforcement die before each of your conquests, rather than just the last one of your turn. Roll the die first; select the Region you wish to conquer; then place the required number of Race tokens (minus the die result) there. If you do not have enough tokens left, this is your final conquest attempt for this turn. As usual, a minimum of 1 token is still required to attempt the conquest. Active onlyOriginal Game
Bivouacking5Deploy the 5 Encampment tokens in any of your Region(s), during your Troop Redeployment phase. Each Encampment counts as 1 Race token toward the defense of the Region in which it is placed (thereby protecting a single Race token with an Encampment from the Sorcerer's Racial Power). Multiple Encampments may be placed in the same Region to obtain a higher defense bonus. Each turn you may break camp and settle in any new Region you occupy. Encampments are never lost during an attack on the Region they are in: they are redeployed at the end of the current player's turn. When the Race they were associated with goes into Decline, they disappear. Active onlyOriginal Game
Catapult4Once per turn, you may place the Catapult in a region you occupy to conquer any region that is 1 region away (but not adjacent) at 1 less than usual. The Catapult may be used to attack a region beyond the Lake, but not over Seas. The region with the Catapult is immune to enemy conquests as well as their racial and special powers. The Catapult disappears when you go In Decline. Active only; remove catapultsPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Commando4You may conquer any Region with 1 less Race token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required. Active onlyOriginal Game
Corrupt4Collect 1 bonus coin from any opponent each time they successfully conquer one of your active regions. Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Cursed0You must pay 3 Victory coins, not 1, to skip the Race that is Cursed when selecting a Race and Special Power combo. It brings no additional Special Power. Effective pre-selectionPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Dragon Master5Once per turn, you may conquer a Region using a single Race token, regardless of the number of enemy tokens defending it. Once conquered, place your Dragon there. The Region is now immune to enemy conquests as well as to their racial and special powers until your Dragon moves. During each new turn, you may move your Dragon to a different Region you wish to conquer. Your Dragon disappears when you go into Decline; remove it from the board and place it back in the storage tray at that time. Active onlyOriginal Game
Fireball5During Troop Redeployment, collect 1 Fireball marker for each Magic Source you occupy. Fireballs count as 2 Race tokens but may only be used during an attack on one of your following turns. They are discarded once used. Several Fireballs may be used to conquer a single Region. [Total 4 Fireball tokens] Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Flocking5Collect 2 bonus Victory coins if all of your regions form a single set of regions on the map at turn's end. Single set of regions means a "single set of adjacent regions" here, so Flocking Spiderines spread out along separate Chasm regions will still be considered Flocking and score this Flocking bonus. Active onlySmall World Underground
Flying5You may conquer any Region of the map except Seas and Lakes. These Regions do not need to be adjacent or contiguous to ones you already occupy. Active onlyOriginal Game
Forest4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Forest Region you occupy at turn's end. Active onlyOriginal Game
Fortified3Once per turn, as long as your Fortified Race is active, you may place 1 Fortress in a Region you occupy. The Fortress is worth 1 bonus Victory coin at turn's end, unless you are In Decline. The Fortress also augments your Region's defense by 1 (just as if you had an additional Race token stations there), even if you are In Decline. Remove the Fortress if you abandon the Region or when an enemy conquers it. There can only ever be a maximum of 1 Fortress per Region, and a maximum of 6 Fortresses on the map. In Decline, Fortresses provide defense, but not income.Original Game
Frightened4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each region you occupy with at least 3 race tokens at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Goldsmith4As long as it is active, the Goldsmith Race earns 2 extra Victory coins for Mine Regions they occupy. However, any other Region is worth 1 less Victory coin. Active onlySky Islands
Heroic5At the end of your turn, place each of your 2 Heroes in 2 different Regions you occupy. These 2 Regions are immune to enemy conquests as well as to their racial and special powers until your Heroes move. Your Heroes disappear when you go into Decline. Active onlyOriginal Game
Hill4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Hill Region you occupy at turn's end. Active onlyOriginal Game
Historian5Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Race In Decline at the time you select the Historians. While you're active, collect 1 bonus Victory coin each time another Race goes In Decline, and 1 final bonus coin when your own Historians go In Decline! Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Hordes of5You may use your 2 Hordes of tokens exactly as if they were addition active Race tokens of your own Race. They disappear when you go In Decline, however. [Basically, as if the power gave you 7 instead of 5.] Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Immortal4When the enemy conquers one of your regions, keep all your Immortal tokens in hand for redeployment at the end of the current player's turn, rather than discarding 1 back in the storage tray. Active onlySmall World Underground
Imperial4For each region in excess of 3, which your Imperial troops occupy at the end of you turn, collect 1 bonus coin. (i.e., if the occupy 5 Regions at turn's end, you receive 2 bonus coins.) Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Lava5At the end of your turn, for each Mountain Region you occupy, you may place 1 Lava Token in any Region adjacent to that Mountain Region (excluding Regions protected by Special and Racial Powers). All tokens in this Region are taken in hand by the defeated player and treated as if the Region were conquered (except there is no loss of tokens). The Region may not be entered by any other player until after the beginning of your next turn. At the beginning of your next turn, remove all Lava Tokens from the board and proceed as usual. [Max 4 Lava Tokens] Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Martyr4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin from the bank each time one of the regions your Martyrs occupy is conquered by an opponent. Active onlySmall World Underground
Mercenary4Each time you conquer a region, you may spend 1 Victory coin to reduce the number of tokens you need to conquer it by 2. A minimum of 1 token is still required. If you use Mercenary during your final conquest attempt you may decide to do so after you roll your reinforcement die. Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Merchant2Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Region you occupy at turn's end. Active onlyOriginal Game
Mining4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Mining region you occupy at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Mounted5You may conquer any Hill or Farmland Region with 1 less Race token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required. Active onlyOriginal Game
Muddy3Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Muddy (or Swamp) region you occupy at turn's end, even when In Decline. Effective In DeclineSmall World Underground
Mystic4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Mystic Crystal region (or contains Magic Source) you occupy at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Peace Loving4Collect 3 bonus Victory coins at the end of each turn during which you have attacked no active Race. You have no love for In Decline Ghouls though, and may attack them without forfeiting your Peace-loving bonus. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Pillaging5Each non-empty Region you conquer this turn is worth 1 bonus Victory coin at turn's end. Active onlyOriginal Game
Quarreling3Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each separate set of regions (i.e. group of regions not sharing a common border with another group of regions) your Quarreling tokens occupy at turn's end. If all your Quarreling tokens form a single contiguous set of regions on the map you score 1 bonus coin; if they are split across two separate sets, you score 2 bonus coins; etc... Active onlySmall World Underground
Racketeering5Each time another player chooses a new race, you earn (from the bank) as many Victory coins as the number of combinations the player skips down to reach their choice. When your racketeering Race finally goes In Decline, your next race is free no matter where it is in the column. Active onlySky Islands
Ransacking4Each time you successfully conquer a Region containing an opponent's active Race token, he must immediately pay you 1 Victory coin from his own personal stash (unless he has no coins left). You cannot ransack In Decline Ghouls. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Royal5At the end of your turn, place your Queen in a region your Royal tokens occupy, to make it immune. If you go In Decline, your Queen stays were it was and keeps that region immune, but can no longer be moved. Effective In DeclineSmall World Underground
Seafaring5As long as your Seafaring race is active, you may conquer the Seas and the Lake, considering them as 3 empty Regions. You keep these Regions even once you go into Decline, and continue scoring for them for as long as you have tokens there. Only Seafaring races may occupy the Seas and Lake. Effective In DeclineOriginal Game
Shield3For each Mushroom Forest region you occupy at the end of your Conquest phase, take 1 Mushroom Armor from the tray in your hand. Deploy these Mushroom Armors in any of your region(s), during your Troop Redeployment phase. Each Armor placed in a region augments that region's defense by 1, even when In Decline. These markers do not count as race tokens (for instance a single race token with 1 or more Shields in a region could still be Vampirized). You can stack multiple Mushroom Armor in the same region. Remove the Armor and discard them back in the tray when you abandon the region or an enemy conquers it. Otherwise keep it in play as long as your Shield troops are on the board. Shields remain on board In DeclineSmall World Underground
Spirit5When the Race tokens associated with your Spirit Special Power go into Decline, they never count toward the limit stated in 'Entering In Decline' regarding having a single In Decline race on the map at any given time. You may thus end up with two different races In Decline on the map at the same time and score for them both. If a third race you control goes into Decline, your Spirits remain on the board, although the other race already In Decline disappears, as normal. Effective In DeclineOriginal Game
Stone4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Black Mountain (or Mountain) region you occupy at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Stout4You may go In Decline at the end of a regular turn of conquests, after scoring, instead of spending an entire turn going into Decline. Active onlyOriginal Game
Swamp4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Swamp Region you occupy at turn's end. Active onlyOriginal Game
Thieving4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin from each player with at least one active race token bordering one of the regions your Thieves occupy at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Tomb5When going In Decline, you may keep all of your Tomb tokens on the map; you may redeploy them one final time before scoring for your In Decline turn. If a region containing your In Decline Tomb is conquered, at the end of the attacking player's turn, you may redeploy any Tomb tokens in excess of the ones lost to your opponent's conquests as if your Tombs were still active. If your Tomb tokens have no region left on the board, you may not redeploy them however. At this point, they are all permanently lost. Effective In DeclineSmall World Underground
Underworld5You may conquer any Region with a Cavern with 1 less Race token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required. All Regions with a Cavern are also considered adjacent to each other for your conquest purposes. Active onlyOriginal Game
Vampire5Once per turn per opponent, your Vampire tokens can conquer a region by substituting one of your opponent's Active tokens with one of your own Vampire tokens, taken from the storage try (or your hand, if none are left in the tray). The token your Vampire replaces must be the only race token in its region. A single opponent token in a Black Mountain, in a region with the Keep on the Motherland, or protected by Mushroom Armor all till count as regions with a single race token for this purpose, and may thus be vampirized. A region containing a single Gnome token is protected however. Place the substituted opponent's race token back into the storage tray. If an Immortal token is vampirized, its toke is lost and place back into the tray. Active onlySmall World Underground
Vanishing5When sending you Vanishing tokens In Decline, remove them all but collect 2 Victory coins per region the occupied, instead of 1. Effective when going In DeclineSmall World Underground
Vengeful4Give 1 Vengeance marker to each player that attacks any of your races during his turn. During your next turn, you can attack any region occupied by that player's tokens (active or In Decline) at a cost of 1 less token than normal. A minimum of 1 Vengeful troops token is still required. At the end of your turn, take any Vengeance markers you had given to your opponents earlier back in your hand. Active onlySmall World Underground
Wealthy4Collect 7 bonus Victory coins, once only, at the end of your first turn. Active onlyOriginal Game
Were-4Each night (even numbered game turn), you may conquer all Regions with 2 less Race tokens than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required. Your special Power has no effect during the day (odd numbered game turn). Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Wise4At the end of any turn your Wise tokens are In Decline (including the turn you send them In Decline), if they still occupy at least 1 region on the board, score 2 bonus Victory coins. In Decline onlySmall World Underground

Races that are not implemented

Demons (N/I)5During redeployment, take 1 new Demon token from the tray for each Magic Source you occupy and deploy it. [There are a max of 12 Demon tokens.] Active onlyCompendium I
Drakons (N/I)6Each turn, Drakons can transform up to 3 of their Race tokens into Dragons (transformed Drakon tokens are discarded). These Dragons work in the exact same way as the Dragon Master power from the base game. At the beginning of your next turn, the Dragon tokens are removed from the board to be used again when another Drakon token is transformed. Active onlySky Islands
Dryads (N/I)6Dryads treat all Forest regions as adjacent and require 1 less token to conquer them. Active onlyCompendium I
Homunculi (N/I)5Each time a Homunculi Race combo is bypassed, in addition to a Victory coin, you must also add a Homunculi token taken from th storage tray (if any left) to the combo. These tokens are added to those normally received when the Homunculi combo is finally picked, along with the Victory coins. [Max of 15 Homunculi tokens] Pre-SelectionPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Hydras (N/I)6When you do a Final Conquest roll and a blank is the result, you take 1 new Hydra token from the tray and deploy it. [There are a max of 12 Hydra tokens.] Active onlyCompendium I
Igors (N/I)4You collect all Race tokens (Lost Tribes, Monsters and all Player's race tokens, including your own) lost in conquests. At the beginning of your turn, you may exchange these for new Igor Race tokens at a rate equal to the number of players in the game. If you collected enough tokens, you may get more than 1 new Race token. [Max 15 Igor tokens.] Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Liches (N/I)4When going In Decline, just after scoring, place the Mausoleum on one of your land regions, all your tokens stay on the map, but are stacked on this region. Like the Ghouls, Liches In Decline continue to be active. In Decline Liches are sent to the Mausoleum instead of the tray until the Mausoleum region is conquered. Effective In DeclineCompendium II
Necromancers (N/I)4You collect all the In Decline & Lost Tribe tokens that are supposed to go to the tray. During Redeployment, you can get 1 Necromancer token from the tray in exchange for collected tokens equal to number of players. Keep unspent tokens from one turn to another. Active onlyCompendium II
Scavengers (N/I)6When Scavengers conquer an In Decline Region, Race tokens that would normally be discarded stay in place and add to the Region's Defense. Even when Regions are occupied by the Scavengers, any In Decline Race owner still earns Victory coins for it at the end of their turn (this also applies to any In Decline race tokens that the Scavenger player has, allowing him to earn Victory coins for these regions twice per turn). The In Decline Race tokens are discarded when the Region is conquered by another Race or when the Scavengers go In Decline. Active onlySky Islands
Skags (N/I)6Randomly select and place 1 Loot marker face down in each Region you conquer. You may look at it only after you have selected it and placed it on the board. When an opponent conquers one of your regions, reveal the Loot marker. If the Loot marker is a Skag Attack marker, the conquest is canceled and the opponent loses one token (he cannot retry any attack against this region during this turn). Otherwise, the opponent collects the Loot token. If you abandon a Region, leave the Loot token behind. When you go In Decline, or at the end of your last turn if you didn't go In Decline, reveal all Loot tokens in your regions and collect them. [10 Loot tokens] Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Troglodytes (N/I)6Each cavern region you occupy is worth 1 extra Victory coin at end of turn. During Redeployment you MUST abandon all regions not adjacent to a cavern region you occupy. Active onlyCompendium II

Special Powers that are not implemented

Assassin (N/I)5During a conquest, you can send 2 tokens as assassins against an adjacent active race region. They will eliminate one enemy token, but not conquer. Cannot be used for other conquest but will be redeployed. Each active race can only be attacked once by assassins each turn. Active onlyCompendium II
Automat (N/I)4When you do a Final Conquest roll and fail, you can roll the die again for a second chance. Active onlyCompendium I
Behemoth (N/I)4Your two Behemoths are each represented by a stack of tokens that matches the number of Swamp regions you currently occupy. These 2 stacks can never be split or mixed. Each Behemoth's stack counts as an equivalent number of Race tokens for attack and defense. The number of tokens in each stack is adjusted each time you capture or lose a Swamp Region. A Behemoth must always be accompanied by at least one Race token. If the region it occupies is conquered, only the accompanying Race token is lost; redeploy your Behemoth(keep it as a single stack) at the end of your attacker's turn, as normal. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Copycat (N/I)3At the beginning of each of your turns, you may place the Copycat marker on one of the six Powers from the combo list next to the board. Your active Race benefits from this Power's effect until the beginning of your next turn, or until an opponent chooses it as his combo. When a Power's effect stops, you lose all these Special Power tokens. Note that some Special Powers only apply on a given turn (for instance, Wealthy only works on your first turn, "Stout" only works if you go In Decline, etc.). Active onlyPower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Cowardly (N/I)5[Who Knows? Power was mentioned, but not described.] [?]Compendium I
Diplomat (N/I)5At the end of your turn, you may select one opponent whose Active race you did not attack this turn as your ally. You are now at peace with him and he cannot attack your Active race until your next turn. You may change allies each turn, or stay at peace with the same opponent. Tokens In Decline are not impacted (so Ghouls In Decline are immune to this power and may still attack you). Active onlyOriginal Game
Elephant Trainer (N/I)5Elephants reduce by 2 the number of tokens needed to conquer. Elephants cannot be used alone. They cannot be used or placed on Mountains or Swamps. They do not provide defense, but will go to tray instead of race token when conquered. [2 Elephant Tokens] Active onlyCompendium II
Exploring (N/I)5At the end of each of your turns, you receive a Victory coin bonus equal to the number of Regions you occupy on the Ground or in the Sky Islands, whichever is less. [Exploring Special Power cannot be used in games without the Sky Island board.] Active onlySky Islands
Gunner (N/I)3At the end of your first turn, you put both Cannon tokens in 2 of your Gunner Regions with the inactive side up. During the following turns, each Cannon can either shoot (flip to it's "Fire!" side) or move to another of your Gunner Regions (inactive side up). Regions with a Cannon inside are immune to conquests and racial or special powers. A cannon with its "Fire!" side up allows the conquest of adjacent Regions at a cost of 2 less Race tokens than normal. The effect of both Cannon tokens are cumulative, but a minimum of one Race token is still required. Active onlySky Islands
Haggling (N/I)5You receive 5 Trade Pact tokens. During your turn, you can freely distribute them among the other players. You cannot give more Trade Pacts than the amount of Victory coins you own though. If a player with Trade Pact conquers at least one of your Haggling Race's Regions, he must give you one Victory coin per Trade Pact he has (if he doesn't have enough coins, he gives you everything he has). On the other hand, if a player with Trade Pacts doesn't conquer any Region from your Haggling Race, you must give him one Victory coin per Trade Pact he has. Players who receive Trade Pact tokens must give them back at the end of their turn. Active onlySky Islands
Marauding (N/I)5Once your conquests are over (but before any final conquest attempt using the Reinforcement Die), take your troops back in hand, leaving at least one token per region, and go through another complete cycle of conquests; then do your final conquest attempt, if any. Active onlyPower Pack #2 Expansion ("Grand Dames", "Royal Bonus", and "Cursed!")
Mysterious (N/I)5When going In Decline, earn 10 Victory coins, but remove all tokens from the map. Effective when going In DeclineCompendium II
Riverine (N/I)5With the river boats you can conquer the Lake (not Seas) region, the Swamps, and any River-crossed Farmland Region for 1 less token. The Lake region is retained after going In Decline. Active onlyCompendium I
Soul-Touch (N/I)4When your Soul-Touch Race goes In Decline, it automatically revives your In-Decline Race. Instead of picking a new Race on your next turn you activate your previous In Decline Race. You may keep the tokens that In Decline Race already had on the board, flipping them back to their Active side, or take them back in your hand if you like. You get the rest (if any) of the Race tokens (and Markers, if any) you would receive if this was a new combo pick, and immediately play a full turn with them. Effective during turn you go In DeclinePower Pack #1 Expansion ("Be Not Afraid..." and "A Spider's Web")
Trapper (N/I)5You have 4 Trap tokens that can be placed face down on controlled regions. Upon conquest of a trapped zone, present Traps are revealed. A Pit causes the attacker to lose 1 token to the tray (including Elves and Hydras). You can redistribute in Redeployment. When going In Decline, traps stay until triggered but cannot be redistributed. [Note: There are 4 Trap tokens; 2 have Pits on the other side, 2 have Nothing on the other side. You know which are Pits, other Players do not.] Traps remain In DeclineCompendium I
Zeppelined (N/I)5Your Zeppelined tokens can be used for up to five special conquest per turn. To perform a Zeppelined conquest, you choose a Region anywhere on the board and roll the Reinforcement Die. Pips on the Die are worth one Race token each. If you don't have enough Race tokens in hand to overcome the Defense value of the Region, your turn is over and you must redeploy remaining tokens. If the roll is an empty side (0), the zeppelin crashes: the Defender discards one Race token for that attack and takes any others back in hand, exactly like a typical conquest. The Zeppelined player must also discard a Race token and doesn't occupy the Region. Place a Burning Region token in the Region instead. It is immune to conquests and racial or special powers until the beginning of your next turn, when all Burning Region tokens are removed from the board. Active onlySky Islands

Races from Small World Underground (currently not implemented)

Flames4When you select this race, place the Volcano on one of the Abysmal Chasm Regions marked with a Volcano symbol. Any region adjacent to the Volcano, or continuously linked to it via regions occupied by your Flames, is attacked at the same Flames token cost as if the region was empty. Flames enter the board through the Volcano; their first conquest must be in a region adjacent to it. Active onlySmall World Underground
Kraken5At the end of your turn, you do not have to empty any of the River regions your Kraken may be in. You can leave them in and score Victory coins for these River regions - even once you are In Decline! And of course, any Race hoping to pass through a River region occupied by Kraken must conquer it first. Effective In DeclineSmall World Underground
Lizardmen7Your Lizardmen pass through any River region, occupied or empty, without having to conquer it or leaving any token in it. If the Lizardmen wish to conquer a River region that is occupied (by Kraken for instance) they must have enough tokens to conquer it as normal however; but once all their conquests are done for the turn, they do not leave any tokens in the River; they redeploy them in other land-based regions under their control, during their Troop Redeployment phase. Active onlySmall World Underground
Shadow Mimes7When picking a Race and Special Power combo, if you select the Shadow Mimes you may immediately swap their Special Power with the Special Power of your choice, from among the 5 others visible in the list of combos. You do not swap or pick up the coins (if any) that may be on the Combo initially associated with the Special Power you are mimicking. You only swap the Special Power. Active onlySmall World Underground
Spiderines7For conquest purposes, your Spiderlines consider all regions bording a Chasm as adjacent to the regions they already occupy. For your first conquest, you may enter the board through any region bordering a Chasm. Active onlySmall World Underground

Powers from Small World Underground (currently not implemented)

Adventurous5Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each region containing a Popular Place that you occupy at turn's end. Active onlySmall World Underground
Fisher4Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each complete pair of Coastal regions that you occupy at turn's end. Coastal regions are all those sharing a border with the River, excluding the River regions themselves. Active onlySmall World Underground
Magic5The Bag-o'-Many-Things duplicates the power of 1 Righteous Relic currently in play. You decide which one each turn, using the bag to represent the Relic you choose. The bag cannot be used to duplicate a Relic's power in a region where that power already applies. The bag may not be stolen. If a region containing the bag is conquered or abandoned, you do not leave the bag behind; rather you take it back in hand. Active onlySmall World Underground
Reborn5Once your Reborn are In Decline, at the start of each of your turns you may empty 1 or 2 of their regions, and replace these tokens with a single new token from your Active Race (taken from the tray, or from your hand if none are left in the tray) in each of these regions. In Decline onlySmall World Underground

Races from Small World of Warcraft (currently not implemented)

Blood Elves (H)5Blood Elves are thirsty for magic. They collect 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Magic Region they occupy at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Draenei (A)7During each opponent's turns, the Draenei may call the Holy Light: the first Race token they should discard (due to conquests or any type of power) stays with the player to be redeployed normally. All following casualties are discarded as usual. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Dwarves (A)5Dwarves may conquer Mountain Regions at a cost of 2 tokens less than normal (a minimum of 1 token is still required). Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Ethereals5Ethereals are Artifact collectors. Once per turn, they can steal an Artifact from a Region adjacent to one they occupy by moving this Artifact token into this adjacent Region (and they may use the Artifact power immediately) OR they may conquer any adjacent Region that contains a Legendary Place at a cost of 2 tokens less than normal (a minimum of 1 token is still required). Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Forsaken (H)6The Forsaken may enlist the dead bodies of their enemies. Each time they force the loss of a Race token (either Active or In Decline), they may spend 1 Victory Coin to get an additional Forsaken Race token. Additional tokens are received after the last conquest of the turn, before the redeployment step (i.e. they cannot be used for conquests until next turn). Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Gnomes (A)5Thanks to their Flying Machines, Gnomes can launch, once per turn, an airborne assault on any Region of any board. They may treat this Region as though it were adjacent. In addition, after the region is selected, they roll a free reinforcement die before the assault in order to potentially reduce the cost. If this airborne assault is their last possible conquest, thay may benefit from the reinforcement die roll twice: once for the Gnome ability and once for the normal final conquest attempt. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Goblins (H)6At the end of their turn, Goblins may place Bombs in adjacent Regions that are occupied by opponents' Active Races. When you first pick the Goblins Race, shuffle the 12 Bomb tokens and place the stack facedown next to you. If you place Bombs in adjacent opponents' Regions, pick the tokens from the top of the stack and place them facedown (never more than one Bomb token per Region) without looking at them. At the beginning of your next turn, if the Region with a Bomb token is still occupied by an opponent (and even if the Race has gone In Decline in the meantime), reveal the Bomb token: an explosion is treated as a successful conquest (the opponent loses 1 Race token, retrieves all others for redeployment as usual) except the Region is now empty. A miss has no effect. In either case, the Bomb token is discarded to the box. If the Region is emptied before you next turn, put the Bomb token back on top of the stack without looking at it. When the Goblins go In Decline, the Bomb tokens that were placed at the end of their previous turn are revealed and their effect is applied normally. If the Bomb tokens stack is depleted, Goblins can no longer place Bombs on the boards. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Humans (A)5Humans can designate strategic regions for non-Horde players. At the end of each of their turns, they place their 2 Military Objective tokens (retrieved, if necessary) in up to 2 different non-Alliance regions. If any non-Horde player (including the Humans themselves) successfully conquers a region with a Military Objective token, they earn 2 bonus Victory Coins and gives the token back to the Human player, who also earns 2 bonus Victory Coins if they weren't the one who conquered the region. If any Horde player conquers a Region with a Military Objective, nothing happens and the token stays in the Region. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Kobolds6Inhabitants of the underground, Kobolds can pop up in any cave; they may attack any Cavern Region as though it were adjacent. For their first conquest, Kobolds can use a Cavern Region as an Entry Region and if they do, they do not pay the extra +1 Race token travel cost. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Naga6The Naga are used to living under the ocean so, unlike other Races, they may conquer Sea and Lake Regions. Their first conquest may even be a Sea or Lake (requiring 2 Race tokens) and then they expand from there. Naga remain in Seas and Lakes while In Decline. Effective In DeclineSmall World of Warcraft
Night Elves (A)4Night Elves may conquer Forest Regions at a cost of 1 token less than normal (a minimum of 1 token is still required). Each time the Night Elves conquer a Forest, they place a Wisp Wall token on it. A Wisp Wall counts as 1 token for defense and remains In Decline but is removed when the Region is conquered or emptied. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Orcs (H)6Orcs are natural-born conquerors. Each conquest of an Alliance-ocupied Region is worth 1 bonus Coin. This power is cumulative with the usual Faction Bonus. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Pandaren5At the end of every turn, Pandaren give a Harmony token to each opponent whose Active Race they did not attack this turn (including the first turn of the game, to players who do not own any Race yet). A player with a Harmony token must pay 2 Victory Coins to the Pandaren before attacking them (attempting to conquer their regions or forcing the removal of a Race token from their territory by any means). These 2 Victory Coins are only paid once, even if the opponent attacks several Pandaren Regions. Each Harmony token is retrieved by Pandaren at the beginning of each of their turns. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Tauren (H)11These large, resilient warriors may never occupy (nor conquer) a Region with less than 2 Race tokens. However, they still lose one token when conquered. Under no circumstances should a Tauren token be left alone, even during the "Ready you troops" phase. If a Race token would be left alone for any reason, the player controlling The Tauren must redeploy it to a Region they already control. When going In Decline, they leave 2 Race tokens in each Region, instead of 1. Effective In DeclineSmall World of Warcraft
Trolls (H)6Known to be cunning warriors, Trolls may conquer any non-empty Region at a cost of 1 token less than normal (a minimum of 1 token is still required). Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Worgen (A)5At the beginning of each of their turns, Worgen must choose between their human form (they immediately get 2 bonus Victory Coins) or Worgen form (they pay 1 Victory Coin and all conquests this turn are at a cost of 1 token less than normal, but a minimum of 1 token is still required). Active onlySmall World of Warcraft

Powers from Small World of Warcraft (currently not implemented)

Archaeologist5This scholar Race loves to study old things and strange sites: it gets 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Artifact and each Legendary Place it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Battle Master5The Race with this power lives for victory in battle. Each time it conquers a non-empty Region, it collects 1 bonus Victory Coin. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Beast Master4Being able to tame beasts can be very helpful in battle. At the beginning of each of its turns, the Beast Master Race first discards all its Beast tokens. After checking how many Hill Regions it controls, it takes a matching number of Beast tokens. For any purpose, these Beast tokens are treated like Race tokens, used for conquering and redeployed at the end of the turn. However, when a Region with at least one Beast token is conquered, one Beast Token is discarded as a loss while all other tokens are redeployed normally. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Blacksmith4A Race with this power can forge mighty weapons; it may conquer all the Regions at a cost of 1 token less than normal (a minimum of 1 token is still required). Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Championing5This Race controls 1 mighty Champion. Once a turn, it may conquer any adjacent Region for free, regardless of the number of enemy tokens and defenses in it. Once conquered, place the Champion token in this Region. The Champion counts as 1 Race token for defense. If another player conquers the Region with the Champion, it is taken prisoner. No defending Race token is discarded. The owner of the Champion must immediately pay their opponent a 1 Victory Coin ransom and retrieve it. They then redeploy it like a regular Race token and will be able to use it again on their next turn. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Defensive5At the end of its turn, the Defensive Race places a Watch Tower token in each of its Fields Regions where it controls the majority of adjacent Regions (i.e. controls more Regions than any other Active or In Decline Race) and removes any Watch Tower from Fields Regions it no longer controls this majority. A Watch Tower token makes a Region immune to all powers and conquest attempts. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Enraged4For each conquest of a Region with at least two defending Race tokens, an Enraged Race collects as many bonus Victory Coins as the number of defending Race tokens. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Explorer4An Explorer Race collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each game board where it occupies at least one Region at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Farmer4The Farmer Race collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Fields Region it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Fishing3A Fishing Race collects 1 bonus Victory Coin at turn's end for each Region it controls adjacent to a Lake or a Sea. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Garrisoned3Great fortifications builders, the Garisoned Race places 1 Fort token in each Region it occupies. The Fort augments the Region's defense by 1 (just as if there was an additional Race token stationed there) and remains In Decline. Discard the Fort if the Region is conquered or emptied. There can only ever be a maximum of 1 Fort per Region, and a maximum of 10 Forts on the boards. Effective In DeclineSmall World of Warcraft
Herbalist4The Herbalist Race understands the power of plants and collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Hill Region it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Intimidating4Three times per turn, these masters in manipulation may move 1 Race token from an opponent's neighboring region, whether the Race is Active or In Decline, to any Region controlled by the same Race (if there are any, otherwise discard the token). This can be done in 3 different regions or several times in the same region. Murlocs are always discarded. A Wisp Wall or a Fort, if any, is discarded (it counts as a power use) before a Race token can be moved away. This power must be used before the last conquest of the turn. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Marshdweller4Opponents must pay the Marshdweller Race 1 Victory Coin before conquering any Marshdweller's Swamp Region. This power is still Active when In Decline. Effective In DelcineSmall World of Warcraft
Mining4The Mining Race is thirst for precious stones; it collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Cavern Region it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Mountaineer4The Mountaineer Race collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Mountain Region it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Portal Mage5Twice a turn, these Portal masters may exchange all the tokens (except Mountain and Legendary Places tokens) between 2 Magic Regions. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Ranger4Forest lovers, the Ranger Race collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Forest Region it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Sailing5These travelling experts do not pay the extra +1 Race token travel cost when conquering a non-adjacent Entry Region of a board. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft
Swamp Walker4The Swamp Walker Race collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for each Swamp Region it controls at turn's end. Active onlySmall World of Warcraft